Thursday, July 3, 2008

A battle of epic portions

In recent years a great battle has begun to take place. The just versus the unjust, the noble versus the foul imposter, the good versus (if I may use such strong language) the bad. As always those with pure intentions are outnumbered and underpaid, but there is hope! With this post I ask all those who have some sense of moral obligation to rally around our one point of...well... rallying! By now I'm sure that you understand the epic battle I speak of is, of course, rice (the defender of truth, justice, and the American way) versus its disgusting rival the potato. So if you have a preference either way, or just like the sound of your own keyboard, then let the world know which side you're on!


Unknown said...

Hmm, it might have to be a three-way battle. In our house it's always rice vs. pasta. Potatoes are occasional but always come in third.

I'm firmly on the rice side, which is natural given my Asian roots. Stacy's firmly on the pasta side. I guess the question is, "is pasta closer to rice or potato?"

Unknown said...

It occurred to me that you're going to have a tough time convincing, well, anybody, that rice is quintessentially American. Take any search for any variation of "American food", "all American meal", etc. I see mostly potatoes. Although, this result is surprising.

Christina said...

MMmmmmm... mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, and say, steak, or salmon, or bbqed chicken...

Or french fries with a hamburger.

Whoever heard of a hamburger and *gasp* rice?

I mean it's good with the occasional chinese meal, but...

Sharon said...

Our family stands with the mighty potato: aka ketchup conduit.

Stacy said...

well, because pasta would clearly outrank both, I understand its omission. Andy, you'll have a tricky time swaying one (in this case me) away from the versatility of the spud. It's a battle in which you'll find an ally in my "asian" husband. I wish you both well...

Nora :) said...

Rice. No question. Grew up in Texas where basmati is king and just love it.

I do love potatoes, and they are fabulous, but nothing rivals rice.

David said...

why must there be a battle? why can't we all just get along?

Andy said...

Well it looks like I probably should have included pasta, but because both rice and potatoes naturally grow whereas pasta does not (excluding, of course, the great pasta trees of northern Asia) I think we'll have to leave it for another post. In response to those who have called the patriotism of rice into question I would ask them how they could have forgotten such American dishes as fried or Spanish rice?

Unknown said...

Well, the burger is now"the most American" food. No word about potatoes or rice but pasta (Mac and Cheese) makes it into the Top 5.

Michael said...

I concur. OLÉ!

Anonymous said...

Rice and Potatoes is a big problem. Of course potatoes is the key. How to convince everyone? Maybe the following wisdom can help:

1. Never forget that you are unique, like everyone else.

2. Have you ever lent someone $20 and never seen that person again? It was probably worth it.

3. Before you judge someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you judge them, you will be a mile away, and you will have their shoes.

An Anonymous Wise Uncle

Andy said...

Those are very wise words. I guess I'm kind of alone when it comes to rice, but as Douglas Adams put it "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems using only potatoes." That about sums up where I stand

David said...

it's time for a new about it?