Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nerdius Maximus

Today as I walked through the school cafeteria I noticed a group of students who had brought a tv and "guitar hero" (a video game in which you try to play songs on a toy guitar) into the area and were playing it with undivided attention. Immediately the word "nerds" popped into my head. As I kept walking (a little faster) I wondered if these students were even aware that they where thought of as such and, perhaps, even considered themselves to be "cool?"
This made me wonder, what exactly qualifies someone as a “nerd?” and are there any tests to make sure you’re not one yourself?

Whoever can come up with the best answer will win some kind of prize to be decided at some other time.


Anonymous said...

A nerd is somebody who is proficient in technology, specifically computers, or someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.

Anonymous said...

A nerd is someone who has little or no knowledge of "cool", yet thinks that they are an expert on the subject. They are under the impression that whatever it is that they are doing (i.e. playing "guitar hero") is extremely awesome, and therefore furthers their ultimate goal of making the world like them just a little bit better. Obviously, the only people they are able to impress are other nerds, who are only accepting them because they think that supporting this "cool" person will increase their chances of being famous. This results in a hideous and gross cycle whose equal has yet to be discovered.

Nerdiness (nerdyness?) seems to be more prevelant in males, and the second- or third-born child. Nerds are often found to quote dictionaries, and to write lengthy discourses on subjects requiring no more that a few words, or, perhaps, no attention at all.

Not bad, if I do say so myself. The final judging falls to you, of course, but I'm not sure how you could give a prize to someone who won't tell you who they are.

Unknown said...

I think this might be the last word on nerds. It's must-reading if you want to understand nerds. I think it should be called, "On the Care and Feeding of Nerds". The Nerd Handbook

Anonymous said...

Well, Steve Lawson called Mark Dever and Al Mohler "nerds" because they both said that their hobby was/is reading...

Anonymous said...

Do you have to be one to know one?

No, I think it's the other way around.

Thus, I don't think any of us can answer (or judge) accurately.

(do you get my drift?)

Anonymous said...

Nerd Self-Test (for men):
(inspired by Jeff Foxworthy)
-"You might be a nerd if your pants come up to your nipples."
-"You might be a nerd if your best relationships are with electronic devices."
-"You might be a nerd if you snort or guffaw when you are amused or it's allergy-season."
-"You might be a nerd if you are completely unaware that others are highly amused by you."
-"You might be a nerd if your mother still packs you a gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut-free, sugar-free, meat-free brown bag lunch then sends you off to college while yoo-hooing out the door "Did you put on clean underwear, dear?"